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Welcome to Mumbai Waldorf Kindergarten!


We started our Waldorf journey in 2019 just before the pandemic hit the world. Those two years taught us a lot. Never before did the phrase – ‘Change is the only constant’ – feel so appropriate. It caught all of us unaware and left us scrambling for survival. We all managed to tide the rough wave and came out stronger and wiser.


While everything around us was changing, we wondered - Has our education system changed? Is it teaching the children to be resilient? Will the education system that most children are going through equip them to be independent and find their own answers or is it preparing them to join the rat race of the unknown future?


With this thought in mind, we set forth with strong belief that education should refrain from teaching and instil the joy of learning. We want our children to look forward to coming to school every day, where the school feels like an extension of their home and the faculty is an integral part of their lives. A place where kids will experience the same love and warmth all the time. 


We are committed to building a school that gives children everything that they need to become independent, healthy and happy human beings, to live a content and fulfilling life.

Nilesh Jagad
Founder & Director

Shilpa Chandole

Co-Founder & Director

Vaishali Paranjape

Co-Founder & Director

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